NPS Website
A one room Visitor Center/Museum located on 4 ½ acres of landscaped park near the center of Providence, R.I.
BEAUTY (2/10)
Neither the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it city park nor the non-descript Visitor Center are anything to write home about. The park does afford a side view of the imposing white marble Rhode Island State Capitol.
The Site honors Rhode Island’s elusive founder, Roger Williams. One of its two exhibits provides a timeline of Roger Williams’ life from his birth in England to religious banishment from Massachusetts to his founding of Providence, a colony allowing freedom to worship as one pleased. The other exhibit showcases his legacy: the idea and actualization of religious freedom. Our liberty to worship as we please free from government intervention and penalty. His historical contribution to our nation is substantial.
CROWDS (5/10)
Nobody else was inside the small Visitor Center. A good thing.
The Visitors Center is accessible to individuals with disabilities. It is not that large so Rangers often travel out to schools or other interested groups to make their presentations. There is limited parking near the Visitors Center which is on Main Street. Providence streets can be a little confusing.
Small, but a good collection of books.
COSTS (4/5)
We had the undivided attention of a very friendly Ranger who was more than willing to help us with other aspects of our visit, like finding a place to eat and navigating the quickest route to downtown and the state capital. When we expressed an interest in the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, she jumped online to find directions to the Visitors Centers and check their hours of operation.
The Visitors Center is small. The film is short, but informative, as are the panels. The Ranger was eager to answer questions.
FUN (2/10)
The Visitors Center was a welcome respite from the drizzle and mist that covered Providence. The Ranger was pleasant. Can’t say we had a blast.
There is little about the Roger Williams National Memorial that makes it a memorable destination. However, the City of Providence is well worth a visit. See the National Memorial and stop into the Visitors Center as you are walking from College Hill, home of Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design to renewed Down City, the beautiful State Capitol building or to Federal Hill for a fantastic meal.
TOTAL 43/80
© 2004-06