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An otherwise non-descript rectangular building topped by painted minarets and onions domes and adorned on its sides by murals made entirely from corn. The very definition of a tourist trap.
BEAUTY (4/10)
Beautiful, no. Cool, an emphatic yes.
The Corn Palace’s gaudy exterior and “corn-ceptual art” attracts the tourists but we found the building’s interior to be just as interesting. We expected to find a chintzy museum but instead found a fully functional gymnasium/auditorium decorated with, of course, corn art.
The Corn Palace changes its exterior “ear-chitecture” every year. This year’s theme is the travels of Lewis and Clark who, ironically enough, declared in 1805 that the Mitchell, S.D. area was “suitable only for buffalo”.
CROWDS (7/10)
We parked in a lot that was nearly full, mostly of minivans filled with vacationing families. But we saw people of all ages giving into and enjoying the building that was created simply to pull them off the highway and into Mitchell, S.D. A nice lady took our picture in the cardboard corn cutouts and we returned the favor for her and her little girl. Friendly crowd. Friendly place.
The Corn Palace is just off the well-traveled Interstate 90. You can’t miss it. Billboard after billboard tell you the correct exit in numerous punny ways. Once you leave the interstate, every sign in Mitchell points you in the right direction. There is a plethora of free parking and the site is completely accessible.
The floor of the Corn Palace’s basketball court is transformed in the summer months to a large bookstore where you can find just about anything you could have every imagined emblazoned with a Corn Palace logo.
COSTS (5/5)
Free, free, free. The Corn Palace gets a 5 (and not a 4 as have every other free site) because they give the tourist free popcorn upon entry. And samples of fudge are yours for the asking. What a place.
There were a few high-school aged kids giving tours every half-hour about the Corn Palace. If the tourists had had questions, they would have been overwhelmed. As it were, no one was too inquisitive.
There really isn’t too much too discover. The kids giving the tours try but learning really isn’t the point. Corn art. Neato.
FUN (8/10)
This is definitely one of the corniest attractions we’ve seen so far. But you know that before you even leave I-90. You wouldn’t be taking the exit into Mitchell if you didn’t want a little bit of kitsch to brighten your day. Free makes things fun, as does free popcorn and very affordable refreshments and souvenirs. Just wait until you see the hat we got for you, Christy.
Heck yes. Interstate 90 is a long and dusty road across South Dakota, a long and dusty state. Why not get out of the car, stretch your legs, eat free popcorn and wander around the Corn Palace? Signs point you to the bastion and free parking and get you back on the highway just as easily. Sure it’s a tourist trap, but there is no charge for looking and it definitely made us smile. From the looks of other tourists, eating ice cream and browsing through corn paraphernalia, no one was apologetic for getting reeled in.
TOTAL 51/80
© 2004-06