NPS Website; Local Website
Remnants of an ancient lake, now a golden meadow, where 35-million years ago a volcanic eruption instantly fossilized insects, leaves, cones and spiders that were at the waters’ surface when the explosion’s dust descended. The fossils provide a rich snapshot of a late Eocene era Redwood forest.
BEAUTY (7/10)
Little imagination is necessary to picture the missing lake. Because their roots cannot penetrate the volcanic rock, modern trees shape an invisible shoreline. The flowering meadow rolls and sways with the wind. The Rocky Mountains provide a dramatic backdrop to this quiet spot.
Petrified sequoia stumps, distant relatives of the California variety, take center stage on the shortest of the nature walks. The Monument’s amphitheatre is built around a cluster of three fossilized redwoods. Along every trail and walkway are dozens of wildflowers, most still in bloom. Each was named with a small sign, a very nice touch for those of us who are (very) amateur botanists.
“When the mountains are overthrown and the seas uplifted, the universe at Florissant flings itself against a gnat and preserves it.” - Dr. Arthur C. Peale, Hayden Expedition Geologist, 1873.
Fossils were so well preserved at Florissant, scientists are able to review details as minute as hairs on a wasp, compound eyes on a fly. It is a treasure chest of scientific information which practically doubled the catalogue of known insects.
Despite this wealth of information and a movement towards making Florissant a protected area, land developers wanted wealth of their own. Plans to build roads and houses over the fossil bed nearly destroyed this site. Our Ranger told us that a local group of well-to-do-women, the Friends of Florissant, positioned themselves in front of the bulldozers to hasten the process of preservation. Florissant was named a National Monument shortly after in 1969.
CROWDS (6/10)
If we felt a little rushed during our visit, it was not because of others. We, like several others at the Monument, assumed that it was open until 7 p.m. According to our AAA Colorado Guidebook and the Official Guide to the National Parks, it was. However, when we arrived late afternoon, we learned that due to severe budget cutbacks, gates to the Park area now close at 5:30 p.m.
The other visitors to Florissant Fossil Beds did not affect our stay positively or negatively.
Florissant Fossil Beds NM is about 40 miles west of Colorado Springs. The Site is on Colorado Route One, two miles south of U.S. Route 24. There are two self-guided nature trails on site. The ¼-mile A Walk Through Time loop is fully paved and not too steep. The one-mile long Petrified Forest loop goes along a partially paved, part gravel travel. There is an all-terrain wheelchair available for use in the Visitor Center.
The bookstore has an excellent selection of local Colorado history books, nature books and books specific to the fossils found nearby. The store has a Smithsonian-published coffee table book, written by an on-site paleontologist, which includes hundreds of full color pictures of the fossils found at Florissant.
The Rangers at the Park have typed up personalized recommendations of their favorite books for sale at the store. We had yet to see this friendly and helpful touch at any of the Sites’ bookstores. The recommendation cards made us feel closer to the Park and its lifeblood, the Rangers.
COSTS (3/5)
Admission is $3 per person. Children, defined here as 16 and under, are free. There is no entry fee if you have the National Parks Pass.
Two women ran the show here. Both seemed to be experienced Rangers who prided themselves on the individual attention visitors receive at Florissant. There was a volunteer who greeted us when we first arrived and urged us to attend the next Ranger talk which was occurring at the amphitheatre in minutes. We are glad he did.
One visitor disputed the classification of a plant on one of the walks. Rather than just politely agree, the Ranger eagerly sought the botanist on loan from the Bureau of Land Management to help answer her questions. Florissant is also lucky enough to have a resident paleontologist.
As if a dedicated staff was not enough, Florissant Fossil Beds NM also hosts summertime day-long seminars featuring experts in ecology, geology and history. Educators attending these seminars can receive graduate credits from a nearby community college – well worth the $35 fee ($25 for current Friends of Florissant).
Our time at Florissant was shorter than we would have liked. In the time we were there, we attended a Ranger talk, took the two most popular self-guided walks, browsed the Visitor Center and chatted at length with both of the Rangers. It was a full afternoon.
The Ranger talk was a hands on explanation of how fossils were formed and the current landscape was shaped at Florissant. The Ranger took her time and had plenty of pieces of cap rock, flint, fossils, petrified wood and photos to share with her audience. The talk is held right next to some of the largest petrified sequoia stumps – good props themselves.
FUN (7/10)
If only the park were open later! We enjoyed the walks we took. There are 14 miles of hiking trails in the park. We are sure they are all beautiful. We enjoyed our time with both of the Rangers, but much of their time was taken up reminding people that the parking lot would close at 5:30 p.m. Menacing rain clouds also sped our steps across the meadow. Lightning out here is no joke. Despite our time constraints, we took pleasure in every minute we had at Florissant.
Florissant Fossil Beds NM definitely qualifies as a hidden gem. Problem is, it is so hidden, that you might miss it. Especially if budget cuts continue to whittle away at staff and operating hours. It is not far from Colorado Springs, Colorado, but the roads are not interstates. Be sure you know which roads are paved before you plan your route.
TOTAL 53/80
© 2004-06