Philadelphia, Pa.
NPS Website; Local Website
Non-cordoned off area of Independence NHP that includes over 10 sites integral to the founding of our nation.
BEAUTY (7/10)
A wide array of interesting architectures. We only went into the aforementioned, but from the exterior, the Greek Revivalist Second Bank of the United States is stunning. It is a shame that it is closed for renovations. There seems to be an anti-Michael conspiracy afoot to shut down all of our nation’s Portrait Galleries.
Our nation’s first Bank. Our nation’s first Stock Exchange. The only property ever owned by Benjamin Franklin. A loving recreation of the tavern frequented by the delegates to the Continental Congresses and the Constitutional Convention. Things got done here, I am sure. You can feel the spirit and movement of the founding fathers more in these areas than in the Independence Hall compound.
CROWDS (8/10)
You feel the founding father’s aura and are able to see their steps because the crowds are sparse and there is time for quiet composition. You can enjoy the ability to let your imagination run free.
No security. Parking difficult but everything is within a short distance from each other.
There are a few different bookstores that have an average selection. The City Tavern serves, from what we read, very good, but expensive representative food. The wait staff is dressed in period garb and the beverage selection is very good. Yards Brewery brews the George Washington Tavern Porter especially for The City Tavern.
COSTS (2/5)
The sites are free. Parking difficult. The City Tavern is not cheap.
Not that many Rangers in these parks, but the ones that are there are eager to help and knowledgeable about their site. We wish there would have been more help at Franklin Court.
Franklin Court’s displays were impressive and interactive. It is a shame that the moving diorama of Franklin’s diplomatic mission in France was Out of Order. Franklin Court’s film was good and the telephone display of world luminaries commenting on Franklin was a lot of fun. Both Herman Melville’s and Immanuel Kant’s observations were priceless. The other sites had only informational self-guided tour panels which varied in their degree of helpfulness.
FUN (8/10)
Franklin Court was brilliant. Perhaps not a fully fitting tribute to one of America’s greatest men, but at least a start. City Tavern was fun, if not expensive. But mostly, the ability to calmly wander through Old Town Philadelphia and imagine the thoughts of our thoroughly rebellious was wonderful.
While not exactly exciting for all, the remainder of Independence NHP is a terrific historical adventure. Nonetheless it is an historical adventure where the tourist must be proactive through his imagination. We had a great time. If you go to see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell don’t miss out on the wonderful treasures that surround it and to us were more rewarding.
TOTAL 58/80
© 2004-06